Plush Commissions are currently closed
My name is Rachel, I am 21, and I work full time in a dog grooming salon.
I love to draw, but I lack the dedication or energy to commit to developing or improving my skills in that field, I suppose that would be laziness, mostly.
I very much enjoy sewing and creating anything cute, and I pride myself on the perfectionism I put into my sewing work that I was never able to commit to drawing.
I am most happy to see how happy people are when they receive my little creations, which is why I love having giveaways to give everyone that may not be able to afford one a chance to enjoy them as well.
Criticism and feedback of any kind is always welcome on any of my work. If there is a flaw, I want to know if I have missed it!
I am blessed to have so many kind and wonderfully talented watchers and commenters, new and old. Thank you all for the visit and support!
Heck, yes!
No way!
Well, if I had time, maybe.
I hate the prize! (seriously? lol)