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143 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Artisan Crafts
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (230)
My Bio

Sand'Oria stamp by FFXI-Vanadiel

Bullet; RedPlush Commissions are currently closedBullet; Red

Bullet; PurpleINFO:
My name is Rachel, I am 21, and I work full time in a dog grooming salon.
I love to draw, but I lack the dedication or energy to commit to developing or improving my skills in that field, I suppose that would be laziness, mostly.
I very much enjoy sewing and creating anything cute, and I pride myself on the perfectionism I put into my sewing work that I was never able to commit to drawing.
I am most happy to see how happy people are when they receive my little creations, which is why I love having giveaways to give everyone that may not be able to afford one a chance to enjoy them as well.
Criticism and feedback of any kind is always welcome on any of my work. If there is a flaw, I want to know if I have missed it!
I am blessed to have so many kind and wonderfully talented watchers and commenters, new and old. Thank you all for the visit and support!

Favourite Games
Guys, I'm so sorry I disappeared from the face of the earth for a long arse freaking time!! Life really sucked for a while here a year ago, and then things got better and I was too busy with life to really be online or do much to keep up with dA at all, but I've finally got some things sorted and I can now sort out some time to start sewing again!! Had to end a bad relationship there a little over a year ago, that spanned a few months, then I decided to be with my best friend in the whole world, and we started dating about 10 months ago, and couldn't be happier. You hear that, guys? There is a way out of the friend zone, it is possible. Su...
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Still alive

0 min read
Hello all. I just wanted to let you know I am still alive, I know it would seem I haven't been here in a couple of months, and you would be correct in that assumption. I've recently ended a 4½ year relationship, and I've been having an extremely rough time dealing with it before and after the break up. I've been out of sorts for many more than just a couple months, I'm trying to gather myself together again now. Today I just want to let all of you know that I'm extremely sorry for my absence, and I've completely neglected a lot of obligations I had to many of you here. I intend to go through all messages and comments and reply to everyone ...
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Are you going to participate in my contest!?

75 votes

Heck, yes!

No way!

Well, if I had time, maybe.

I hate the prize! (seriously? lol)

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Profile Comments 504

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MJArts2005's avatar
I LOVE YOUR PLUSHIES! (and that's saying a lot cuz I'm addicted to polishes my friends even my boyfriend say I have a problem)
kawaiipicnic's avatar
Happy Birthday!!
ilovenoodlez's avatar
I hope you return someday :c..
winter359's avatar
Stegos are so cute <3 <3 <3
MegaSnoge's avatar
Hello there! I simply love your works and thought you may want to join my all new group, :iconsimplysewing:. It is centered around sewing of all kinds, whether it be clothing or plushies! I think you would be a perfect addition to the group!