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Need for Tolerance by yuumei, journal

I NEED YOUR HELP! by RLSphotographer, journal

Essay: Why God CAN'T create meaning by BatmanWithBunnyEars, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Photography
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (404)
My Bio

21 y/o, Brazilian, love photography, music, and most of all my boyfriend Heryk. Wannabe photographer. Enjoy my life in every single day, but always wish for something to get better.
Believe in love, no matter sex, identity, color or place.

Favourite genre of music: Rock, Pop, Soundtrack.
Favourite style of art: Photography.
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPod.
Favourite cartoon character: Stewie from Family Guy.
Personal Quote: Love me less, but love me longer.

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Changes with my humor.
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, The World Ends With You...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo DSi XL
Good afternoon my beloved watchers! After 3 months with no news from me I thought you guys deserved an explanation... So, again, I am lacking time and willpower to update my dA. All I've been doing is working and spending time with my boyfriend and my friends and watching series and gaming and..... haha Anyway. I'll be replying all the comments and thanking all the new followers later today. As of new photos... I can't say when I'll post any new. Probably not for some time, and I'm sorry for that... This isn't a 'goodbye' tho, more a 'see you later'... Eventually I will be back, but I can't promise a date for that. So again, thank you all ...
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So, my excuses are the same as always: work, lack of time and, most of all, laziness. And my computer AND my external HD broke in meantime, so I almost lost every single photo I had from this year, since I record them in DVD only every 6 months... But I was able, with a lot of patience, to save more than 90% of them, so I'm good...So, in the news subject, let me see what I have for you guys.... Last month me and my boyfriend made two years. I dropped out of college, because I'm changing my course, from Design to Photography, hopefully starting next year. I don't know if I told you guys but I'm a vegetarian since last October... And I have ...
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0 min read
Hey guys! How are you? I'm fine, just being lazy and without time as usual... Sorry for the lack of updates, again... I do have almost 30 photos to post in my Stash, but I'm without time/inspiration to add info on them... But I'll try to upload at least a couple of them this week... Sorry about that... Let's see what I have of news... My hair is no longer pumpkin orange, now is beautifully red, this time my mother-in-law painted it so it ended up the color I wanted. hahaha I want more tattoos everyday more, but I have no money so I cry... I want to stretch my ears a little more too... I'm playing Pokemon SoulSilver again... I'm still kinda...
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ThunderWarriors97's avatar
theshipperoflove's avatar
Happy birthday!! Bring them that cake emoticon 
bibbobibbo's avatar
hello hello how are u??? post a couple of picture of u and you boyF, if u can, miss u
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Dark-Heart1238's avatar