Its true, I am THE NeiL The ReaL DeaL. I enjoy art, so I do art. I live in Michigan and go to Saginaw Valley State University. I'm currently majoring in psychology and minoring in art and philosophy. Anyway, I live in a pretty rural area, and come from a farming family. I've been drawing all my life and I can only hope that one day, all this time doing doodles and drawings pays off in some big way. I love feedback, be sure to give some, (you really don't need to if you don't wanna) and don't be afraid to ask me to view your gallery because I LOVE looking at other people's works. (Besides, I might even add you to the group some friends and I run) On that note, don't be afraid to JOIN the group. Here be the link...
But yeah, I'm NeiL, and I hope you enjoy my gallery! Thanks for stoppin' by!!
Current Residence: Owosso
Favourite genre of music: Metal, Rock, Electronic
Favourite style of art: cartoons, out of the box stuff
MP3 player of choice: I got an ipizzle...wut?
Favourite cartoon character: Grim, Shnitzel, Patrick
Personal Quote: Do what you do how you do it