NeiLTheReaLDeaL's avatar


Nergal von Drool
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (204)
My Bio

Its true, I am THE NeiL The ReaL DeaL. I enjoy art, so I do art. I live in Michigan and go to Saginaw Valley State University. I'm currently majoring in psychology and minoring in art and philosophy. Anyway, I live in a pretty rural area, and come from a farming family. I've been drawing all my life and I can only hope that one day, all this time doing doodles and drawings pays off in some big way. I love feedback, be sure to give some, (you really don't need to if you don't wanna) and don't be afraid to ask me to view your gallery because I LOVE looking at other people's works. (Besides, I might even add you to the group some friends and I run) On that note, don't be afraid to JOIN the group. Here be the link...
But yeah, I'm NeiL, and I hope you enjoy my gallery! Thanks for stoppin' by!!

Current Residence: Owosso
Favourite genre of music: Metal, Rock, Electronic
Favourite style of art: cartoons, out of the box stuff
MP3 player of choice: I got an ipizzle...wut?
Favourite cartoon character: Grim, Shnitzel, Patrick
Personal Quote: Do what you do how you do it
Untitled by

Favourite Visual Artist
Really none in particular...
Favourite Movies
More than one
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Lot of 'em
Favourite Games
Metroid series
Favourite Gaming Platform
I have a wii... but I want a ps3
Tools of the Trade
many pencils, markers, and my mind
Other Interests
Video Games,Drawing,Friends
I've got an online shirt shop featuring many of my designs and whatnot.  They're all designs of either dorky, weird, or creepy creatures.Here we have the facebook page, in which we take requests and such. Please like it in order to easily utilize the request feature and to keep up on our newest designs > and here we have the actual shop. The shirts go for $18 plus a $4.99 shipping fee. I only make $7 off of every purchase. > Please take some time to look and maybe even purchase something! And please, feel free to make a request on the face...
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Lo! Down on your marrow bones and pray!!Nergal von Drool treads among us, and in his vile wake he leaves cantankerous and sordid shirt designs that are not for the faint of heart nor the societal norm adherent.Please visit us at where you can gaze upon our atrocious apparel and spend your hard earned money on frivolous body coverings!Hark! If you're also in the mood to talk to and interact with one of our indentured Nergal von Drool representatives, you may do so at our facebook page >>> Please, like our page and tell your friends, associat...
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In the next month or so I may upgrade to a premium membership and start making commissions available.I haven't been posting on here due to lack of site interest and whatnot. However, I believe that offering commissions on here would be a healthy thing for me to do not only to flex my mojo muscle, but to also make a few bucks here and there. I'm thinking about making my commissions digital due to them having a cleaner and more crisp appearance, as well as showing up better on the computer without having to go through editing tools.I'd ask for opinions on here, but I don't tend to get too much journal feedback so I'll just leave this up here...
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Profile Comments 1.7K

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kraeutem's avatar
Thanks for the add!
katagro's avatar
Garden in Hades by katagro
Hi! Glomp!
Thank you so much for the fave! Hug
It really means  a lot for me ! Heart
Hayley-Jean's avatar
Thanks for watching :D
Jamarrie's avatar
happy birthday forom all me to you happy birthday i hope your dreams come true
Jakeukalane's avatar
happy birthday! :)
DejaVudoll's avatar
Eyo, happy birthday there dood! :cake: