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NCH85 on DeviantArt
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this was actually the reference pic I used to draw on the board. just because I don't want a screwup and I'm pretty jittery when I draw on traditional mediums.
but yeah, the reference and the actual pic end up different. cause I was in a awkward position when drawing this and its hard to maintain proper posture while drawing it, hence the off scaling but I think I prefer how the one on the board turn out.
but yeah, the reference and the actual pic end up different. cause I was in a awkward position when drawing this and its hard to maintain proper posture while drawing it, hence the off scaling but I think I prefer how the one on the board turn out.
Image size
1360x709px 134.05 KB
© 2012 - 2025 NCH85
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Wow, he must be having one of those "Don't tell me, they're right behind me" moments, huh?