The Tyrannotiger - Devastator of EcosystemsNazRigar on DeviantArt

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The Tyrannotiger - Devastator of Ecosystems


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So, for the past week or so, I've been doing a series of warm-ups where, I had an idea: make a critter specifically designed to disrupt ecosystems, but use only a few animals as a basis.
So, here it is, the Tyrannotiger, a critter spliced from a T.rex and a variety of pantherines, primarilly a tiger.

Combines the "take-over multiple niches" of a Tyrannosaurus and the ultra-competitiveness of a Tiger, a crritter that hunts bears and decimates wolf populations whenever their ranges overlapped.
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anonymous's avatar
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T-That's q-quite scary

Also there's 69 comments, you know what that means? 😏