Terra 2 Lineart - The Arachne Royals.NazRigar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nazrigar/art/Terra-2-Lineart-The-Arachne-Royals-516401765NazRigar

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NazRigar's avatar

Terra 2 Lineart - The Arachne Royals.



Here's one continuation of this piece I did a few weeks earlier. The theme is similar, but exaggerated, befitting their status as kaiju.

The male's design is spikier, sacrificing two of his legs to form scythes/skewers. This is to highlight the fact he's not up for all-out brawling like his mate, instead hurting/imobilizing his prey enough to deliver that fatal bite.

The female's relatively easier, as it's in territory I'm more familiar with, just create a spider that could also look tough enough to go toe-to-toe against Jovis. 4 legs now arms and have fingers, the back legs become more like pillars, to stabilize her while brawling.

Arachne is a specific piece of land deep in Lakerta's jungles that imply where they live.

The colored versions should be done soon, and won't deviate too much from the original designs
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1698x685px 826.85 KB
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Tales-of-Bejewelia's avatar
Whoa... they are pretty large.