Mermay 2023 - Kara Otodona, Councillor's DaughterNazRigar on DeviantArt

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Mermay 2023 - Kara Otodona, Councillor's Daughter


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Kicking off Mermay this year with the main protagonist of the setting, Kara Otodona, a Great White Shark mermaid that exemplifies what a proper Mershark, especially a Councillor's Daughter, should be in-universe: A Helpful Personality, Dutiful to her Community, Brimming with Confidence, and with the physical strength to back it up.

As a Councillor's daughter, she has many expectations and responsibilities, from greeting visitors, breaking up fights, and taking care of respected elders.

She still has time to goof off with her baby adopted sister though, and indulge in her curiosity of the Landlubbers and their trinkets... just so long she knows how to keep a safe distance, which is easier said than done.
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2000x4000px 3.04 MB
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She's giving enormous amounts of Boscha vibes with that face

I mean Boscha from The Owl House.