Nightmare Rarity Custom PlushNazFX on DeviantArt

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NazFX's avatar

Nightmare Rarity Custom Plush



For existing and upcoming tutorials on how I made her cutiemark, patterned her hair, made her 3d lashes, used floated embroidery and MUCH more, check out my Patreon. 


For 600+ posts of walkthroughs, tips, video tutorials, commission spot reservations and wips:
patreon thumb by Nazegoreng

:icontradesonhold: :iconcommissionsclosed: - See page & journal for details.

Commission for :icongearswirl:

NMR is made from black, purple, mauve and white minky
She is approx 24" tall to her crown and 28" tall to the top of her hair. Her eyes and cutiemark were embroidered with a Brother Innovis 750D embroidery machine, Madiera Rayon embroidery thread, and Bernina V6 embroidery software and feature gradients. The eyes were designed and digitised by me. Her pattern was also designed by me. Her legs and hair contain wire for stability. 

Please do not ask for the pattern, under no circumstance will I be giving it out. 


Honestly this is probably my favourite plush I've ever made. I'm in love with her, and I sincerely wish I could keep her for myself XD. All that time spent making alicorns has really come together to make this girl what she is. I've learnt so much making them all, and I think this girl came out pretty much perf. She was a huge amount of work to make, but thorough planning and prior experience made making her really enjoyable! Enjoy! 

PLEASE zoom in to check out her details

Please comment/fav. It means a lot to me. I read and appreciate every comment even if I don't have a chance to reply to everyone. 
I would appreciate it if you did not critique my work at this time. 

Titlecard by Nazegoreng
Coming this week to Patreon: Floating embroidery tutorial
Currently available video tutorials:

Naz's plush tail wiring guide, 
Naz's minky dyeing guide, Naz's guide to artistic motivation, How to make awesome plush expressions video tutorialplush airbrushing tutorial, stuffing tutorial and plush photo editing tutorial videos available to my $5+ Patrons

I am currently working on other plushes. Keep an eye out on my page if you are interested in owning any of my future plushes.
Image size
4466x1753px 11.63 MB
© 2015 - 2025 NazFX
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