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Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (6)
My Bio

Current Residence: Argentina, Buenos Aires
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Print preference: All
Favourite genre of music: all kind of music, every stile have a little of us, romantic songs, electronics, celtics..
Favourite photographer: A lot of you people!!
Favourite style of art: nature,macro photos,landscapes,mmm,everything!
Operating System: Ubuntu Linux 8.04 & Windows XP Pro SP3
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Shell of choice: Gnome 2.22
Wallpaper of choice: I change it very often with some of very cool dA works :) (Smile)
Skin of choice: A lot...
Favourite cartoon character: Tom & Jerry, Roadrunner, Pink Panter..
Personal Quote: Everything start has an end, you know it...

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
robert de niro movies,al pacino,matrix,starwars,bourne,if only,Pay it Foward,and TV Show FRIENDS!!!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Björk, Many of the 80´s and 90´s bands
Favourite Writers
It´s not a poet writer, but I like a lot her books, Deepak Choppra
Favourite Games
Super Mario Bross and many old arcade games!
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo Wii
Tools of the Trade
My eyes,mind and soul,later a Sony W-35 and a Sony Alpha 200 DSLR + 18-70mm and a tele 75-300mm
Other Interests
hobby photos,time with friends,watch movies,test computers and S.O.
:wave: Hi dear friends!Well.. from a long time of no changing the Journal.. the change comes to me :DI have to tell you that one of the best artist that I know here, and many of you for sure knows her, draws for me a work of my doggy TOULA !! :heart:Yeah.. some months ago I told her if she can draw with no rush a work with one of my pics of my doggy.. and.. she said OK.. I will do it.. wait a little :)Well my friends.. the work is done.. and.. I told you..  IS A PIECE OF ART :love:  Have a minute and check this out please is So talented.. here is her dA Home Page http://delirium77.devi...
anonymous's avatar
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:wave: Hi dear friends!Yesterday I´ve received a beautiful surprise from one of our dA friends, my dA friend Lauren , she post a special Journal dedicated to me!! :boogie: :dance:  I told you that I never expect that.. and, when I enter and see it.. I feel really grateful, so many grateful, with her, that support my work, make comments to it, and so on... :heart:  and later for all of you that make this big great community grows and better day by day! :)I´m so happy, and I just can´t wait to tell you... If you have time check my frie...
anonymous's avatar
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Thank You!

0 min read
:wave: Hi dear friends!Thank you a lot for your continuos support! :worship:It makes me grow and gives me the strength to continue to explore the wonderful world of photography, a passion that grows every day in me! :)I´m so happy with yours comments, they give me an idea of how the world can see my world :) Your comments make me better, makes me think, I love to share my photos because I can feel the connection with the person that leaves me the comment.. I love it! It´s wonderful :boogie:With many of you I have a continuos feedback in all of our works, It´s amazing... I like that..And, for this especial Journal entry, I want to tell you ...
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Profile Comments 496

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vasodelirium's avatar
hi there!you disappeared!are you ok?
AidaBabayeva's avatar
Hello, how`re you?
Are you ok?
Laurie4000's avatar
:wave: Just stopping in to say hi! hope all is well with you :)
ForgivenDreamSoul's avatar
Hi dear Guille :wave: :rose:

Thank you very much for adding me to your friends list !!! It is a honor for me!!! :thanks: :heart:

Thank you very much for the :+fav: I really appreciate your support!!! :thanks: :hug:

Best wishes!!! :rose: :sun: :heart:
AlexMarchosa's avatar
what up.
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