SATIM sketches - June 2021nayialovecat on DeviantArt

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SATIM sketches - June 2021



This month was very poor in new comics. Partly 'cause of my back problems, partly 'cause of my laryngitis/bronchitis, partly because of my sexual deviation writing phase... Anyway, June fathered only 3 regular SATIM comics and one special comic. The sketches are so-so, 'cause the aching spine is not conducive to detail and diligence.

We'll start with the last one what I mentioned, 'cause the first one was drawn... Three frames in the middle of three different Bendy families - the one that belongs to me, the one that was created by Cupcake :iconsobercupcake:, and the one that DarkTentacles :icondarktentacles0666: writes and draws about. It's an untitled strip, and I want to draw attention to a problem that has been plaguing some fandom artists lately - but I'm waiting until I can draw better because I don't want to mess up my friends' characters. I was hoping to finish this comic by the end of the month, but... meh.

The first regular strip drawn this month was the longest five-page comic strip with the working title "Bendy vs Altars", answering the question "why doesn't Bendy just tell Sammy to stop building altars?" You'll see why.
From it comes the most, as many as 4 frames: the one with Sammy singing, the one with the happy Bendy and two with Sammy and Bendy.
The second strip drawn is "The Shepherd and the Prophet", the action of which takes place in Bendyland and shows the meeting of the two title characters. I took two frames from it - to make this summary look as epic as possible. So, from this strip is big picture with Brody and big picture with Sammy. Uuuu... this is an interesting strip, yeah... and absolutely nothing happens in it. I was drawing it for two days - one page at the beginning of the month and the other two at the end. Lol.
I drew the last strip yesterday, when I was waiting in the hospital for the results of my child's tests - it is called "Imperfect Boris", I think it lacks a few frames at the beginning and is the implementation of an idea from a few days/weeks ago about a talking Boris hiding somewhere in the Studio. One frame is taken from it. The one with the talking Boris.

As you can see, not much of that, I barely managed to fill the summary page. I hope next month will be better, at least a bit - but it all depends on the diagnosis I receive (for this reason I also hold back on opening the shop, which I planned to open for the beginning of June, tya...) For now... hold the fingers cross with this Friday update. Lineart is already on 1/3 of character making, but I'm working slowly...

May <=o=> July

Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc.
All sketches (c) Nayia Lovecat
Image size
3600x2400px 5.97 MB
© 2021 - 2025 nayialovecat
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DarkTentacles0666's avatar

To jest cudowne. Piękna komplikacja obrazków. I jest mi bardzo miło, że wykożystałas tu moje AU ^^