Star Wars Bare Squadron Chp 15: Infernal Lessons by Travolore, literature
Star Wars Bare Squadron Chp 15: Infernal Lessons
Training Yard, Mustafar
Mustafar, on the whole, sucked in Kara’s humble opinion. Sure, a planet constantly on fire and filled with lava and brimstone sounded cool, but in practice it made for a pretty shitty place. The entire surface seemed to be a deathtrap, the air smelled like rotten eggs and it just felt like actual Hell. Perhaps worse than all of that though was the heat combined with CLOTHES. Even though Kara had agreed to Phara’s terms, mostly because of Cal’s puppy dog eyes really, it didn’t change the fact she detested every moment of this. The way the garments rubbed her the wrong way, the pinching off of circulation...