NationAmtsuk's avatar


We just have feathers <3
Years Ago
45 Members27 Watchers

Comments 38

anonymous's avatar
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LaBellaPelliccia's avatar
Who's in charge of this group now that vertigo deactivated?

I want to learn more about the species, but the link is invalid.
sadslug's avatar
You should ask =DecepticonPrius about them, though Amtsuks haven't been an active species for a while now.
LaBellaPelliccia's avatar
Alright, I'll ask her. Thank you.

Since they have been inactive, does that mean that they are still forever closed?
sadslug's avatar
I believe the species is closed. She hasn't made any new adopts for months as well.
Zukuro's avatar
can you unstore the adoption sheet with my two boys on it so I can save their pictures? I lost their files = C
Silver-Rook's avatar
Hey, I hope you don`t mind if I edit Luther`s design a lil bit? I`m not all that satisfied with it.....
V-3RT1G0's avatar
That's alright!