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This is War



Yeeeah, took a while, but here it is. This time steamponies do a bit more than just showing off. This is serious.
Maybe I'll think of some better description later.
For now, just enjoy.

omfg its on the first page of 24h most popular

Here comes the description.
This is definitely the biggest and the messiest thing I've ever did and successfully finished.
30 ponies, 13 airships, at least 6 different types of weapons, whole damn steampunkfied Canterlot on fire, many various explosions and this ridiculous number of changelings. I didn't even try to count them.

But I do want to share some facts about this drawing some of you may find interesting.
#1 - Bon Bon is the only pony here who hasn't already appeared as a Steampunk Pony in my gallery.
#2 - Each changeling is a bit different (I would have gone mad if I had to draw them all identical). My personal favourite is the one on the left with partially missing jaw, giant hole in his head and broken eye. He's cute.
#3 - The Crystal Empire Airship is constructed a bit differently than ordinary Equestrian Airship. And it's not only the design - the ship is one with with complex machinery that allows it to shoot powerful lightning beams.
#4 - Mane 6's airships also could use similar machinery (although powered by Twilight's magic) but the changelings destroyed it. (there are still hardly visible remains on the ship's bow)
#5 - Lyra's using her mechanical hands to fight, because one of the changelings stole her machine gun. He's visible between her and this poor guy she's stabbing in the eye.
#6 - The Wonderbolts are armed. Each of them has a small gun attached to their front leg. They also have small grenades attached to their belts, and that leads to the fact...
...#7 - Those grenades are based on actually used XIX century ones. That means they would probably explode carried that way. Ooops.
#8 - Why isn't Rarity fighting with the rest of M6? Because she's trying to fix the ship. (notice the blue glow surrounding the rope). And that requires concentration.
#9 - These two ponies helping her are my ponysona and my OC, Vector. Fighting isn't really our thing.
#10 - Vinyl indeed uses steampunkfied version of bass cannon.
#11 - Oooh, this one is my favourite. What happened to the princesses? Why Cadance and Shiny aren't using their love magic? Take a closer look on Chrysalis and you'll know.
#12 - I was lazy and instead of drawing the sky I just opened the window and took a photo of clouds. It worked.


Oh, and I made a quick update and these 20 missing pixels are on their place. So the resolution is now 1920x1080 and so, the picture can be used as a desktop wallpaper.
(to be honest, I'd have gone crazy with screen so messy and crowded, but... well.)
Image size
1920x1080px 4.76 MB
© 2012 - 2025 NastyLady
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