Thanks so much for adding my cosplay photo!
Thank you for the deviation add, I appreciate it, feel free to browse through my gallery and add as many images as you want to your group, I don't mind the "spam" that you enjoyed my work enough to add it means a lot to me ♥
Oh she's not Hinata. 😅 Thank you though!
I am so sorry for the misunderstanding (。>\\<)
The picture popped up under dA's Naruto filter for some reason and I thought it was really pretty and just assumed it was Hinata. But then again, this is the same filter that keeps telling me Satoru Gojo is Kakashi... (´∀`;)
Thank you for letting me know though, and I must say, that was a very beautiful picture
Oh! Lol It's someone's OC but she does look pretty similar to Hinata. haha
Omg, not Satoru as Kakashi. 🤣
And no worries! Aww, thank you so much!! 😭
Thanks for asking about adding my art into your group. 💖🌟