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Sage reborn and the ghastly bloodline chapter 0.2 by michelous, literature

Sage reborn and the ghastly bloodline chapter 0.1 by michelous, literature

Comments 47

anonymous's avatar
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bookwormsteve's avatar
thanks for letting me join
MegaSpinosaur's avatar
The first story idea I got features them as having a secret relationship that nobody knows about. Because of it, they would both frequently sneak off at night to be together. This causes their friends to become suspicious of them.

All I need now is a title. Do you have any ideas?
RavinWood's avatar
awww thats cute :heart: hm.... Hearts Hiden in the Leafs...leves...leavs.... how ever its spelld 9_9'

my fic has Ranma sucked to Konoha and meets naruto will both r in girl form. they fall inlove at first sight and now there stuck keeping the same secret from eachother. ...and
Orochimarus trying to concer the world ^_^
MegaSpinosaur's avatar
I think I may have a few story ideas for this couple. But to be honest, I'm a little embarassed.
RavinWood's avatar
don't be ^_^ id love to hear ur storys. and to be onest were not getting much art in and storys might help us out a loght