[Harry Potter Oc] NurNaomiSatoOc on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/naomisatooc/art/Harry-Potter-Oc-Nur-508667413NaomiSatoOc

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[Harry Potter Oc] Nur




she's my Oc of Harry Potter!
she belongs to Slytherin, like me in Pottermore (my account is EncantamientoMist9139) his barite is also identical to mine Pottermore

Name: Nur
Name: Le'mur
Age: 16 years
Hair Color: Celestial (before his nine years she was blonde)
Eye Color: Violet (syndrome of Alexandria)
Likes: Harry, use magic, love your grandfather (enrealidad is not your grandfather Dumbledore, she was an orphan and was in charge of it)
Dislikes: people conceited, to be called daughter of muggle

her hair is so thanks to a potion that went wrong for her 9 years old

hope you like it !!!


ella es mi Oc de Harry Potter!
ella pertenece a Slytherin, como yo en Pottermore (mi cuenta es EncantamientoMist9139) su barita tambien es identica a la mia en Pottermore

Nombre: Nur
Apellido: Le'mur
Edad: 16 años
Color de cabellos: Celestes (antes de sus 9 años era rubia)
Color de ojos: Violetas (sindrome de Alejandria)
Le gusta: Harry, usar magia, ama a su abuelo (enrealidad no es su abuelo Dumbledore, ella era huerfana y el se encargo de ella)
No le gusta: las personas engreidas, que la llamen hija de muggle

su cabello es asi gracias a una posion que le salio mal a sus 9 años de edad

espero que les guste!!!

Nur: :iconmimivocaloid:
Base: Hermione
Harry Potter:  Jk Rowling
Image size
2560x3412px 894.58 KB
© 2015 - 2025 NaomiSatoOc
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SofiTonks's avatar
Vos sabes cuanto la ame ;u; ♥