Turin and Belegnaomimakesart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/naomimakesart/art/Turin-and-Beleg-739582114naomimakesart

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Turin and Beleg



Beleg drew his sword Anglachel, and with it he cut the fetters that bound Túrin; but fate that day was more strong, for the blade slipped as he cut the shackles, and Túrin’s foot was pricked. Then he was aroused into a sudden wakefulness of rage and fear, and seeing one bending over him with naked blade he leapt up with a great cry, believing that Orcs were come again to torment him; and grappling with him in the darkness he seized Anglachel and slew Beleg Cúthalion thinking him a foe. 

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1584x2703px 269.51 KB
© 2018 - 2025 naomimakesart
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Nelyasun's avatar
love that you adds some darker skin colour on Beleg and other elves than just fair-skinned