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So just before the Christmas of 2017, I decided I wanted to make a tiny dragon sculpture made with things I had just laying around. With some aluminium foil, note cards, bits of curled reed, a pen, scissors, glue, and a lot of patience, this little dragon came to be. It took 6 months to cut each individual scale and feather and glue them all in place. The dark blue and orange colors in the eye are left overs from a painting I was working on at the time.
Tedious? Yes. Worth it? Very yes. He hides in a small nook on my bookshelf these days.
Tedious? Yes. Worth it? Very yes. He hides in a small nook on my bookshelf these days.
Image size
1024x791px 1.21 MB
© 2019 - 2025 NanoBanana
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Nice Folk Art Piece!