
3 min read

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Nananoontje's avatar
Hey folks!

It´s been a while since I wrote an journal.
I made more art and improved a lot, ifIi may say that by myself.
Drawing cats is what you see me do the most. It´s becouse of that I like it very much.

But now, a few months ago, I found some artists that inspired me.
You peepz curious? Well, oke I will show them.
:iconoomizuao: :iconviria13: :icondoctorcritical:

I followed them a little and.. gosh i love ther art<3
Anthro's from Oomi is why I made an Anthro of myself that I will sumbit that later.
And I am practicing my head of right now... human anatomy, it's killing me, help!! x''D
Humans are not something that I draw very much, but I am facing the challenge now.
Just have to do it, to learn it.

By the way, me, moontje graduated last school year, yay for me :D ^^''
So now, I started a creative study this year. The accepting thing made me so nerves.
But I got the study and you had to see my face when the teacher told me I was in! :D
I am learning so much about how you have to give thing the right look, drawing -perspective is a big subject right now.
I am also practicing that a lot.

Well.. I don't realy have anything to say. Oh yeah I know something! Sorry for the bad English -_-''
Hop you have nice day, this was Nananoontje. -I still think that is a weard name, but everything weard has a story isnt it? ;), maybe I will tell that some day-
bye! :D

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And more :D Sorry if i forgot you, you can say if you want to be on this list XP

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Haiena-Sensei's avatar
Ik Ben evil m'k

En trouwens, wie moet er ook alweer nog meer op topic Wish en Zeal reageren? Ben het kwijt xD