AU - Lone wolfNamyG on DeviantArt

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AU - Lone wolf


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MORE:  AU - The 3 Wolves REDRAW by NamyG  Balto 2 - Wolves Reference Sheet by NamyG  AU - Bite my snow Steele by NamyG

Al amanecer, después de haberse salvado y llegado a tierra, Niju pensó que estaría solo para siempre. Pero, en eso, llegó frente a él su manada, ahora liderada por Aleu.
Niju no podía creer que la manada había elegido a Aleu como su nueva alfa, pero, no podía hacer mucho por pelear ahora ese titulo, su orgullo había sido destrozado la noche anterior.

La manada lo encontraron asombrados, pues pensaban que Niju se había ahogado, pero, después, lo juzgaron por todo lo que hizo. Aleu se acercó a él esperando una disculpa.

Aleu: Creímos que estabas muerto Niju. Ahora yo soy la alfa, Nava no está. Todo lo que hiciste... espero tengas una buena disculpa sino quieres que te saquemos de nuestro nuevo territorio.
Niju: ¡N-no quiero problemas! Perdonen por todo, juro que no volverá a pasar. ¡Quiero volver a la manada! No quiero convertirme en un lobo solitario...

La manada miró a Aleu por una desicion.

Aleu: Esta bien Niju, puedes regresar a la manada, pero, empezarás desde abajo como un omega...

Este lore, pertenece a mi mismo AU donde Steele es el protagonista, solo que esto, es parte de la historia secundaria de Aleu después de Balto 2.

At dawn, after having saved himself and reached land, Niju thought he would be alone forever. But, just then, his pack arrived in front of him, now led by Aleu.
Niju couldn't believe that the pack had chosen Aleu as their new alpha, but, he couldn't do much to fight for that title now, his pride had been destroyed the night before.

The pack found him amazed, because they thought that Niju had drowned, but, later, they judged him for everything he did. Aleu approached him expecting an apology.

Aleu: We thought you were dead Niju. Now I am the alpha, Nava is not here. Everything you did... I hope you have a good apology if not you want us to remove you from our new territory.
Niju: I d-don't want problems! Sorry for everything, I swear it won't happen again. I want to return to the pack! I don't want to become a lone wolf...

The pack looked at Aleu for a decision.

Aleu: Okay Niju, you can return to the pack, but, you will start from the bottom as an omega...

This lore is from my same AU where Steele is the protagonist, only this is part of Aleu's secondary story after Balto 2.

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beaucer's avatar

I purchased this load wolf picture as well it was only a dollar