Wonder Woman vs Elvira 09namover on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/namover/art/Wonder-Woman-vs-Elvira-09-1035229568namover

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namover's avatar

Wonder Woman vs Elvira 09



Commission art from TheRaytrix.  Part 9 of 15.  Seeing Wonder Woman was about to pass out from being choked, Elvira lowered her battered captive to the ground and slightly loosened her grip.  As Diana began to cough in an attempt to breath in some air, Elvira leaned in close to Wonder Woman's face and stated, "Time for you to experience the witch's kiss Wonder Woman!"  Elvira opened her mouth close to Diana's exposed mouth and a mystical mist could be seen traveling between the two beautiful combatants.  Diana's beautiful sapphire colored eyes opened wide as she felt her strength being sucked out of her body.  Her knees began to buckle and her boots slide across the marble tile and the once powerful thighs weakened from the transfer of power.  The two buxom beauties huge bosoms rubbed together during the witch's kiss.  Once again, Wonder Woman's body gyrated...this time in pain.  
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1100x1700px 1.67 MB
WF-7620 Series
© 2024 - 2025 namover
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photeinos-phylax's avatar

While the image of Diana heroically enduring brutal attacks excites me, I am equally captivated by the idea of her being overcome by a deep, affectionate kiss. It's ironic that a heroine symbolizing love and justice, a devotee of Aphrodite, can be subdued by a loving act. The concept really sparks the imagination...

In my head canon, where I blend Wonder Woman's mythical abilities with sci-fi, her body is filled with nanomachines (interpreted by the Amazons as "divine grace") that enhance her strength, speed up her neural processes, and boost her regeneration. When she kisses someone on the lips, a small number of these nanomachines can transfer to the other person, briefly sharing her healing abilities. She uses this power to rescue many, truly making her a heroine of love.

However, adversaries like the sorceress Circe, who understands the true nature of the "divine grace," crave these potent nanomachines. Circe develops her own nanomachines to disrupt Diana's, which can enter Diana's system through a gas spray or a deep kiss. Circe's ultimate goal is to extract Diana's ova, derive various stem cells, and integrate them into her own body without affecting her cognitive functions, effectively allowing Diana's "divine grace" to recognize Circe as Diana herself.