Cynder Bust 3D SculptNaMoogly on DeviantArt

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Cynder Bust 3D Sculpt



My third ever sculpt in Blender... If you count my atrocious first attempt when I first got it. Messed up a few things early on like using a sphere which made some messed up areas around the horns. I would have put a lot more detail in around there but the tops of spheres make weird mesh bugs. I made this for FanArtFriday in a day and a half so no time for proper textures or even a body :P

Oh gosh Blender is a lot more fun when you don't have to worry about things like face count and performance though!!!

Still messing around with trying to get things to look good when rendered too. What is lighting and how do I get a good one? 

So yeah, Cynder!
Image size
2048x2048px 16.03 MB
© 2018 - 2025 NaMoogly
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MistaDisastorous's avatar
This looks awesome , I'd like to see more done with the material though maybe add more to subtle reflective shine with a slight bump tackle the flat feel but that's just me. Everything looks well done with a lot of care great work.