Optimus Prime Human (bay-movie version)Naihaan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/naihaan/art/Optimus-Prime-Human-bay-movie-version-350490522Naihaan

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Optimus Prime Human (bay-movie version)



Human-version of Optimus Prime, used Gerard Butler as prototype and reference. ^__^

Humanized Cyclonus by Naihaan Megatron, Lord of Metall by Naihaan Galvatron Human by Naihaan
Humanized Cyclonus 2 by Naihaan Humanized Megatron by Naihaan Humanized Blitzwing (G1 / TFA) by Naihaan
Image size
848x1200px 636.6 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Naihaan
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Raphianna-Hamato's avatar

Pardon my long comment. I really, really like this. That IS Optimus Prime, you captured him so well, I'm astonished :D I love how his jacket looks like armour- it's really accentuated with the Autobots symbol. Also love his eyes <3 I don't know if you thought about this- would he be as tall as a human?? Or taller?? I didn't think about this until recently, but maybe humanised Transformers would be on the taller side :] like 8-10 feet or something :D not too tall, but it still shows they wouldn't be normal :P