ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

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Full Name: Maltagor Helioth Grailis
Nickname/Alias: Maltagor Grail,
Profession: Ex Military/ Pirate Captain
Origin: Jajek Province
Homeworld: Ketch. Their homeworld of Ketch is a lush, vibrant Super-earth with several moons.
Height: 5ft 4in/ 162.56cm
Eye Color: Turquoise
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Vic'Varee
Race: Dunn
The Vic'Varee evolved from arboreal bipeds native to Ketch's massive temperate and tropic rainforests. These tress can grow half a mile tall and have root systems that span twice that. Their arm and heel spurs are a relic of this tree-climbing past, and to this day they are extremely agile jumpers and climbers. They use this agility to their advantage against larger foes.
Today, the Vic'Varee have massive cities both in the trees, and synthetic, more sustainable ones. They do have space fairing technology, but are only barely apart of the United Galactic Alliance. The populace is split on whether or not their people belong, or should even go into space. Though some rogue individuals wanting to explore the wider universe will ignore their society's anxieties over it. This is the path that Maltagor took, his eyes always upwards since they were just a hatchling. The Vic'Varee have a very proud military heritage; particularly their navies- conquring the water was the species greatest challenge, and also its greatest triumph in taking full control of their planet.
Crest: Maltagor's crest is a stylized version of Gemmengrail; a species native to Grail's homeworld and their namesake. Gemmengrail are large, ferocious beasts that inhabit the cold seas. They are thought to posses insight into the future, so they always know where their prey will be. They are touted as symbols of power and cunning, and used on the crest of the Dunn Navy.
Personality Maltagor is friendly, good natured and a feeling individual. They have a strong sense of justice that exists outside the law, sometimes acting as a robin hood figure if the bounty is good. Maltagor is well liked by many due to their good deeds; particular in their work towards helping free the Ta'Ruui. Maltagor is confident and charismatic, quick on their feet both figuratively and literally. Maltagor loves the thrill of the game and exploring new worlds, convinced that they can never settle if there is even an inch of space that needs to still be discovered. Maltagor is also very sympathetic, caring deeply about their crew. In return, their crew is extremely loyal and will do anything for their good captain.
History: Maltagor started their life in space by enlisting in the UGA military. This was extremely difficult for them; the system was made for other species rather than their own. And because Maltagor was the only Vic'Varee in their class, they were often ostracized or pushed aside due to their species closed and unusual society. Maltagor did finally graduate, going to serve on the small backwater frigate UGA Spicca. The poor attitude towards Maltagor would only continue, leaving them bored and miserable on a backwater ship in a backwater part of space.
Due to incompetence of the Spicca's captain, it ran aground an asteroid and was targeted by a band pf pirates known as the Cutthroat Corsairs, or CeCe's for short. At first a prisoner, Maltagor would have a chance to prove themselves in the company of other galactic misfits. As pirate politics are just as fraught as those found in a human highschool, Maltagor would go many places and work under many flags, gaining knowledge on all types of ships, weapons, languages, and peoples. But it was only when they struck out on their own that they found true success, finally doing what they always wished to do: Explore and make a difference while doing so.
Today, aboard the Sunpiercer with their loyal crew, Maltagor ravages shipping lanes used for illegal trade and valuable goods: Freeing the innocent and keeping the valuables for the Sunchaser's crew.
Favorites: Fruit, ale, gemstones, platinum, exploration, revenge, bad jokes, dancing, singing, poetry, adventure, thrill seeking, discovery, chaos
Dislikes: Wine, aristocrats, the 1%, cruelty, oppressive entities and governments, slime, the UGA military
Belongings/Weapons: Maltagor is always well dressed with the discipline of ex navy. This includes the sentiment that a uniform is not complete without one's hat. They also have their standard issue pulse pistol, and a custom sword made in the style of his people. However, their most famous weapon is...
Close calls are part of being a Pirate, and Maltagor is no stranger to scars. By far the most unique aspect of their appearance are the 10 tendrils that move freely from his head. These belong to a parasitic entity known as a Voidling, a para-dimensional creature that feeds on information. It is currently attached and fused to it's host, with some of its tendrils piercing through the skin. This creature, which has no name and is uninterested in having one, is sentient so integrated with it's host that it cannot be removed unless it does so of its own free will.
Maltagor came into contact with the voidling in a devastating attack between the pirate band they were apart of and another. Both bands utterly destroyed themselves, leaving the few survivors severely wounded on a failing space station. The station, having been abandoned decades before, had a reputation for being haunted. What it actually had was a voidling; whom would feast upon unsuspecting visitors to sustain itself. Using some wit and lots of luck, Maltagor was able to get it to spare their life in exchange for taking the voidling across the galaxy. Maltagor keeps this promise to this day; and in exchange gained a powerful ally.
The Voidling has since replaced Maltagor's blood with a turquoise fluid. Wounds heal quickly and leave behind no scars, though past scars are still present. It also vitalizes Maltagor, keeping them healthy and strong. It will feed on him, digging its tendrils deeper if it has no other option. But with all the bad people in the universe, there is plenty of fodder to feed to it. It stays passive most of the time, with the tendrils occasionally growing small mouths to eat and explore, and even giving Maltagor a small measure of control over them to use as a weapon. They may also change into barbed hooks, and can suck an enemy of their blood and ichor dry. At any point it may take control of Maltagor, changing them into it's 'Voidform'. In this, the voidling can cause great destruction.
Class: Sunpiercer
Model: UGA Starchaser Prototype AETHER IV
Armament: 15x Long range Plasma-Matter Hybrid Cannons, 100x Subatomic Vacuum-Grade Torpedoes
Engines: 1x Subspace Heavybore Particleburner
Warp Drive: 4x Phoenixdrive Hyperspace Burners
Powercore: 2x Arganium-hydrogen powerplants
The Sunpiercer was a heavily armored experimental battleship, built with the idea of cutting directly through enemy ships with the armored prow. When the Sunpiercer was nearly complete with its final batch of testing, the plug was pulled on the project. The ship was set to be scuttled in an asteroid field despite the AI's plea to be spared. Before it could be completed, a raiding party lead by Maltagor arrived to seize control of the ship.
It has since been customized, repainted and had Maltagor's crest painted onto sides to show her new allegiance.
Notable Crew
AI: Ikar
Ikar is the advanced computer control system of the Sunpiercer. While incensed that she was captured by a lowlife pirate, she has since grown attached to her ragtag mismatched crew who are just as loyal to her as the captain themself. Ikar has learned to be very emotive using their holographic avatar, expressing a wide array of emotions and emphasizing them by changing its size or the sound of her voice. She has access and can control any feature or ability of the ship, including the ability to self navigate and move place to place. This makes Ikar very powerful, and also crucial that her captain get along with her. Thankfully, she finds Maltagor very agreeable to work with.
1st Mate: 'Hornet' Ta'Relthar
Ta'Relthar is not only the first mate of the Sunpiercer, but is also close friend and lover to Maltagor. Ta'Relthar is a Ta'Ruui, a serpentine alien race who was kidnapped from their home planet many generations ago and forced into servitude. The Ta'Ruui are currently in the process of breaking free and regaining independence from their oppressors, and Ta'Relthar is no exception. Maltagor's preference for raiding the large, rich shipping vessels of nobels and their business interests meant they often encountered Ta'Ruui. After rescuing Ta'Relthar from near death on such a ship, they decided to stay with the Sunpiercer. Slowly they bonded and became close; and Ta'Ruui bonds are no laughing matter. Affectionately called 'Hornet' by crew for their striking colors and tail barb, they are both affectionate and powerful. Not only through sheer strength, but in speed, cunning, and loyalty.
Like all Ta'Ruui, Ta'Rathor does not use any specific pronoun as their race is not a sexual binary. Therefor, they will answer to any pronoun without caring about the difference.
The number one goal I strive for in reference sheets is clarity. A good reference sheet depicts it's subject with complete clarity, with no room for confusion. Obviously this is difficult, but I think this is the one true purpose of a ref sheet.
I wanted to originally do a space whale, but just couldn't get something I liked. I finally just went with 'things that I like', which allowed it to come together. I am actually very happy with it, particularly the color scheme! This picture was done on my Wacom Intuos 3 in Photoshop. It took probably... mmm.... probably 60 hours+ to do.
Full Name: Maltagor Helioth Grailis
Nickname/Alias: Maltagor Grail,
Profession: Ex Military/ Pirate Captain
Origin: Jajek Province
Homeworld: Ketch. Their homeworld of Ketch is a lush, vibrant Super-earth with several moons.
Height: 5ft 4in/ 162.56cm
Eye Color: Turquoise
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Vic'Varee
Race: Dunn
The Vic'Varee evolved from arboreal bipeds native to Ketch's massive temperate and tropic rainforests. These tress can grow half a mile tall and have root systems that span twice that. Their arm and heel spurs are a relic of this tree-climbing past, and to this day they are extremely agile jumpers and climbers. They use this agility to their advantage against larger foes.
Today, the Vic'Varee have massive cities both in the trees, and synthetic, more sustainable ones. They do have space fairing technology, but are only barely apart of the United Galactic Alliance. The populace is split on whether or not their people belong, or should even go into space. Though some rogue individuals wanting to explore the wider universe will ignore their society's anxieties over it. This is the path that Maltagor took, his eyes always upwards since they were just a hatchling. The Vic'Varee have a very proud military heritage; particularly their navies- conquring the water was the species greatest challenge, and also its greatest triumph in taking full control of their planet.
Crest: Maltagor's crest is a stylized version of Gemmengrail; a species native to Grail's homeworld and their namesake. Gemmengrail are large, ferocious beasts that inhabit the cold seas. They are thought to posses insight into the future, so they always know where their prey will be. They are touted as symbols of power and cunning, and used on the crest of the Dunn Navy.
Personality Maltagor is friendly, good natured and a feeling individual. They have a strong sense of justice that exists outside the law, sometimes acting as a robin hood figure if the bounty is good. Maltagor is well liked by many due to their good deeds; particular in their work towards helping free the Ta'Ruui. Maltagor is confident and charismatic, quick on their feet both figuratively and literally. Maltagor loves the thrill of the game and exploring new worlds, convinced that they can never settle if there is even an inch of space that needs to still be discovered. Maltagor is also very sympathetic, caring deeply about their crew. In return, their crew is extremely loyal and will do anything for their good captain.
History: Maltagor started their life in space by enlisting in the UGA military. This was extremely difficult for them; the system was made for other species rather than their own. And because Maltagor was the only Vic'Varee in their class, they were often ostracized or pushed aside due to their species closed and unusual society. Maltagor did finally graduate, going to serve on the small backwater frigate UGA Spicca. The poor attitude towards Maltagor would only continue, leaving them bored and miserable on a backwater ship in a backwater part of space.
Due to incompetence of the Spicca's captain, it ran aground an asteroid and was targeted by a band pf pirates known as the Cutthroat Corsairs, or CeCe's for short. At first a prisoner, Maltagor would have a chance to prove themselves in the company of other galactic misfits. As pirate politics are just as fraught as those found in a human highschool, Maltagor would go many places and work under many flags, gaining knowledge on all types of ships, weapons, languages, and peoples. But it was only when they struck out on their own that they found true success, finally doing what they always wished to do: Explore and make a difference while doing so.
Today, aboard the Sunpiercer with their loyal crew, Maltagor ravages shipping lanes used for illegal trade and valuable goods: Freeing the innocent and keeping the valuables for the Sunchaser's crew.
Favorites: Fruit, ale, gemstones, platinum, exploration, revenge, bad jokes, dancing, singing, poetry, adventure, thrill seeking, discovery, chaos
Dislikes: Wine, aristocrats, the 1%, cruelty, oppressive entities and governments, slime, the UGA military
Belongings/Weapons: Maltagor is always well dressed with the discipline of ex navy. This includes the sentiment that a uniform is not complete without one's hat. They also have their standard issue pulse pistol, and a custom sword made in the style of his people. However, their most famous weapon is...
Close calls are part of being a Pirate, and Maltagor is no stranger to scars. By far the most unique aspect of their appearance are the 10 tendrils that move freely from his head. These belong to a parasitic entity known as a Voidling, a para-dimensional creature that feeds on information. It is currently attached and fused to it's host, with some of its tendrils piercing through the skin. This creature, which has no name and is uninterested in having one, is sentient so integrated with it's host that it cannot be removed unless it does so of its own free will.
Maltagor came into contact with the voidling in a devastating attack between the pirate band they were apart of and another. Both bands utterly destroyed themselves, leaving the few survivors severely wounded on a failing space station. The station, having been abandoned decades before, had a reputation for being haunted. What it actually had was a voidling; whom would feast upon unsuspecting visitors to sustain itself. Using some wit and lots of luck, Maltagor was able to get it to spare their life in exchange for taking the voidling across the galaxy. Maltagor keeps this promise to this day; and in exchange gained a powerful ally.
The Voidling has since replaced Maltagor's blood with a turquoise fluid. Wounds heal quickly and leave behind no scars, though past scars are still present. It also vitalizes Maltagor, keeping them healthy and strong. It will feed on him, digging its tendrils deeper if it has no other option. But with all the bad people in the universe, there is plenty of fodder to feed to it. It stays passive most of the time, with the tendrils occasionally growing small mouths to eat and explore, and even giving Maltagor a small measure of control over them to use as a weapon. They may also change into barbed hooks, and can suck an enemy of their blood and ichor dry. At any point it may take control of Maltagor, changing them into it's 'Voidform'. In this, the voidling can cause great destruction.
Class: Sunpiercer
Model: UGA Starchaser Prototype AETHER IV
Armament: 15x Long range Plasma-Matter Hybrid Cannons, 100x Subatomic Vacuum-Grade Torpedoes
Engines: 1x Subspace Heavybore Particleburner
Warp Drive: 4x Phoenixdrive Hyperspace Burners
Powercore: 2x Arganium-hydrogen powerplants
The Sunpiercer was a heavily armored experimental battleship, built with the idea of cutting directly through enemy ships with the armored prow. When the Sunpiercer was nearly complete with its final batch of testing, the plug was pulled on the project. The ship was set to be scuttled in an asteroid field despite the AI's plea to be spared. Before it could be completed, a raiding party lead by Maltagor arrived to seize control of the ship.
It has since been customized, repainted and had Maltagor's crest painted onto sides to show her new allegiance.
Notable Crew
AI: Ikar
Ikar is the advanced computer control system of the Sunpiercer. While incensed that she was captured by a lowlife pirate, she has since grown attached to her ragtag mismatched crew who are just as loyal to her as the captain themself. Ikar has learned to be very emotive using their holographic avatar, expressing a wide array of emotions and emphasizing them by changing its size or the sound of her voice. She has access and can control any feature or ability of the ship, including the ability to self navigate and move place to place. This makes Ikar very powerful, and also crucial that her captain get along with her. Thankfully, she finds Maltagor very agreeable to work with.
1st Mate: 'Hornet' Ta'Relthar
Ta'Relthar is not only the first mate of the Sunpiercer, but is also close friend and lover to Maltagor. Ta'Relthar is a Ta'Ruui, a serpentine alien race who was kidnapped from their home planet many generations ago and forced into servitude. The Ta'Ruui are currently in the process of breaking free and regaining independence from their oppressors, and Ta'Relthar is no exception. Maltagor's preference for raiding the large, rich shipping vessels of nobels and their business interests meant they often encountered Ta'Ruui. After rescuing Ta'Relthar from near death on such a ship, they decided to stay with the Sunpiercer. Slowly they bonded and became close; and Ta'Ruui bonds are no laughing matter. Affectionately called 'Hornet' by crew for their striking colors and tail barb, they are both affectionate and powerful. Not only through sheer strength, but in speed, cunning, and loyalty.
Like all Ta'Ruui, Ta'Rathor does not use any specific pronoun as their race is not a sexual binary. Therefor, they will answer to any pronoun without caring about the difference.
The number one goal I strive for in reference sheets is clarity. A good reference sheet depicts it's subject with complete clarity, with no room for confusion. Obviously this is difficult, but I think this is the one true purpose of a ref sheet.
I wanted to originally do a space whale, but just couldn't get something I liked. I finally just went with 'things that I like', which allowed it to come together. I am actually very happy with it, particularly the color scheme! This picture was done on my Wacom Intuos 3 in Photoshop. It took probably... mmm.... probably 60 hours+ to do.
Image size
12937x5370px 37.73 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Naeomi
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Woahhh such an awesome and unique design! I love the work you put into them!! The voidform is super awesome looking!