n1njap1rate's avatar


100% organic Ninja Pirate
175 Watchers209 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Artisan Crafts
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (184)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
My Bio

Someday I will find another non-cosplay photo of myself that I like! ...Someday!

LIKES: costumes/cosplay, dance, manga, anime, theater, fantasy, food, being lazy

DISLIKES: stereotypes, close-minded people, lima beans

Current Residence: Southern California
Operating System: Windows 7

Favourite Movies
The Princess Bride, The Lord of the Rings, Howl's Moving Castle
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Sherlock
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Mika, Coldplay, Ludo
Favourite Books
Howl's Moving Castle
Favourite Writers
Tamora Pierce
Favourite Games
Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, Professor Layton
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2 and DS
Tools of the Trade
sewing machine and pin cushion!
Other Interests
cosplay, dance, theater design, manga, anime, fantasy, etc.

I liiiiive!

0 min read
Pretty sure I've used that title before.Anyways! I have neglected my dA for a looong time...I don't have much to post recently, but I still plan on sharing new projects as they're completed! Thanks to everyone who still gives my entries a glance! <3 Recently I've tried a less-stress approach to cons. Basically, if there's no way I'm going to get a costume done in time for a con without several overnights and tons of stress and frustration, I pick something else to wear and plan on finishing the new costume for a future con. This made the last ALA one of the best cons I'd been to in a while... Unfortunately it also means there's a few thing...
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0 min read
Uh, so..hey there! It's been a while. I've mainly been on Tumblr recently (essegigi), and my dA has been rather neglected. But! I am actually working on some new cosplays, and this is a nice place to keep them all together, so I should have some more photos in the nearish future.As for life stuff...still working at Disneyland! Still enjoying it. I got to be part of the opening crew for the new show there, Mickey and the Magical Map, so that's pretty awesome! I only have one semester left of school, too, so that's pretty cool.Upcoming conventions: AX: not sure if going all the days? Hoping to have Vanellope done by then, maybe doing Chrono ...
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I've been neglecting dA...the deviations keep piling up and I keep thinking that someday I'll go through them... x_xAnyways! School started back up today, looks like it'll be a busy semester of juggling classes and work.Speaking of work! I loooooove my job so far, can't wait to train in some more areas and get a little more variety. I'm pretty good at staying away from drama so I've been getting along with just about everyone so far. Goshhh and just being able to work at Disneyland, even if it's not glamorous or anything, or I'm backstage all the time, is kinda great. And yeah, everyone hears that and goes "oh well it'll wear off soon enou...
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Profile Comments 627

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LocationCreator's avatar
Have you seen our hot discussion in :icontheatreartists: yet? I'd love to get your opinins!
CobblestoneHeart's avatar
Thank you for the llama! I'm a huge fan of your cosplays :D
n1njap1rate's avatar
No problem, and wow thank you so much! And thank you for the watch! :hug:
Foxglove19's avatar
:iconlaytonclapplz: :iconsaysplz: Haaaaaaaaapy birthday!
n1njap1rate's avatar
Thank you so much!!! <3
RufyStek's avatar
hi ^^
a friend of mine need to do a beard of a pirate, i saw yours and it is very cool, how did u make it? :3
n1njap1rate's avatar
Thanks! I used crepe hair and spirit gum, I don't have time to make a tutorial but there are already a bunch of good ones out there, just google it! I wish your friend luck! :D