I hate getting my picture taken by other people.
I can never relax.
I'm all self done, make up, model, shoot, edit with the cheapest equipment.
I don't go for the technical bull, so please don't complain about over exposure or what I did wrong.
The pic is that way because I wanted it to be.
I love to overexpose.
I love to over edit or under edit.
I love the grainy texture, or the blur.
I love going against everything these uptight unimaginative photographers were taught regarding how a photo should look.
I smile at the small things.
My true passion is animals and their health and welfare.
I play violent video games and talk a lot of shit while doing so.
I love coffee oreo ice cream because its amazing.
And I hate trying to write about myself.
Current Residence: Massachusetts
Favourite genre of music: Industrial, Metal, Shitty Ska, Anything I can shake my hips to
Favourite photographer: Unknown
Favourite style of art: Macabre Sculptures
Operating System: Whatever that is.
Shell of choice: Shell? Sea shell preferably.
Wallpaper of choice: Judge Judy
Skin of choice: My own... its really pale.
Favourite cartoon character: Harley Quinn.