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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (142)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

I started many years before with traditional arts. I was a six year old child as my first picture was shown at an exhibition. My grandpa and my mother gave me this beautyful genes to do all the things without thinking much about it. It just comes out of me and often I'am astonished about the results by myself.

After painting a lot and had several exhibitions, my daughter was born and my time for painting shrank. Also it was a problem to keep her away from the painting stuff and save my work.

So I've entered photoshop. Again. Because I knew it since I've had started my studies at university years before. But now, it became a good tool to be expressive without coming in trouble with my daughter.

After all I became a photoshop-teacher at adult education center. It's funny to do the basics again. And it's nice to exite somebody for new ideas.

Take care!

Current Residence: Cloud 15
Favourite genre of music: Dark, Industrial, no mainstream
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Samsung P2
Favourite cartoon character: Invader Zim

Favourite Visual Artist
Ernst Fuchs
Favourite Movies
7 lifes
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Lisa Gerrad, Unheilig, Low Shoulder, Thom Yorke
Favourite Books
84 sharing cross road

Still here

0 min read
It's been some time since I added new stuff. But it doesnt mean, that nothing new happens. Actually it happened a lot. So today I'am off work cause I'm sick with a cold and I used the time, to put in some new stuff to DA. So I really hope you will enjoy. It's not only new composings but also new stock content. I'am so curious, what you will make out of this! Let me know!!! ;)
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0 min read
Finally I did it! I was longing for such a long time for doing these levitation shoot. So I'm very happy and proud, that I've started with at this weekend. I think the first images are alright, so I plan to do some more.I have so much ideas, what to do with levitation.:)
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Chasing Bond

0 min read
Hey Folks,I'm very busy these days. There have been a load of interesting shoots I've did. Thousands of pictures which wants to be edited and a further load of shoots is waiting until the end of this june.Got some new additional jobs and finally it's summertime and I'm often outside, so less time for editing at all.Nonetheless I add some new pictures here for you. I did an amazing James-Bond-Tribute-Shoot in the end of April. Got a nice James (think he looks a bit like Daniel Craig, hm?) and a dangerous Bondgirl too. We did a 8-hours-shoot inside of a old factory. It was fun for all of us. I' ve got around 350 perfect pictures from it. Som...
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Profile Comments 232

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MoodyBlue's avatar
Have a great Bday lovely Kristin! :rose:
akhkham's avatar
Hi, I used your stock here:   Elena by akhkham
bluewingfairy's avatar
good morning Kristin, Happy Birthday!, I hope you have a great day ^^.
Ginger-The-Bunny's avatar
Happy birthday I didn't really know what to get for you so just take this cake 
 Have your cake and eat it too 
MoodyBlue's avatar
Have a great Bday lovely Kristin! Clap

Health and happiness to you! Huggle! Rose :) (Smile)
YOKOKY's avatar
HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR Joy and Peace by KmyGraphic   Merry-xmas-smiley-emoticon by poisen2014   Christmas ball by vafiehya