Favourite Movies
Too many to count. Among the "I could watch a thousand times" movies are Lawrence of Arabia and Children of Men. I also like crappy dance movies like Step Up. I know they're terrible.
Favourite TV Shows
Currently: Game of Thrones, Homeland
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Black Keys, White Stripes, anything Danger Mouse puts his golden touch on
Favourite Books
Heart of Darkness, Cat's Cradle
Favourite Writers
Joseph Conrad, David Sedaris, Kurt Vonnegut
Favourite Games
Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Uncharted Series, The Last of Us
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Canon 5D MKII, Photoshop, Wacom Tablet
Other Interests
Sandwiches. This seems silly, but as someone from the east coast who now lives on the west, I realized this is a distinct love.