Annarista Priestess of VisionsMythka on DeviantArt

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Annarista Priestess of Visions


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:bulletwhite: Gods & Monsters :bulletwhite:
Character: Annarista Priestess of Visions
Race: Startouched Elf 
Class: Seer
Alignment: Good

Information: The temple of Dawntrace rises above the cliffs as a monolith to the gods of the sea. With deep sapphire and gold spires of fine marble, the temple complex is a both a beacon for those who would become acolytes, but also stands as the tallest lighthouse in the world. It's golden light shinning through even the worst of storms. Being the daughter of the lighthouse keeper, Annarista had always called the temple complex home. Annarista desired nothing more than to become a member of the clergy, but it was not to be. Children usually took on the duties of their parents once they were to old to work, and though Annarista loved the temples grand lighthouse, she wished to serve in other ways. On a terribly stormy night, the worst storm in a thousand years battered the temple with fierce winds and monstrous waves. On this night, Annarista was waken from a fitful sleep, threw off her covers and races down the corridors till she found the head priest. Breathlessly she explained the temple was in great danger, that the spirits of the sea had come to her and showed her. Scheptical but kind the priest assured her the temple was perfectly safe. But Annarista insisted grabbing the mans hand and nearly dragging him to the bowls of the complex. To his shock and utter horror a huge crack had formed in the base of the temple, sure enough the damage was significant and if found any later could have caused half the structure to fall away into the sea. Crews arrived quickly and repaired the damage, preventing a certain calamity. Soon after the very priest whom Annarista had found, took the young girl under his wing. He became her teacher and helped her to understand her great gift. Annarista was a seer, blessed by the gods to foresee the future, a very rare and special gift. With the aid of her spirit guides and a hand carved set of kau chim (fortune telling sticks), she now is the head seer for the temple.            
Commissioned by: Mistblooded 

© Mythka - Candice C. Sciortino 2020
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GregoryBow's avatar
She’s beautiful! I love your character designs 😍