Remember Me?MystykNess on DeviantArt

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MystykNess's avatar

Remember Me?




So. Yeah.
I started this picture like what, half a year ago? I even have WIP in my scraps... Remember this? [link] Yeah that.
Yup, that was uploaded back in March.

Now, if I were to redo this picture... I'd definitely make the angles and poses more dynamic. They're just kind of hanging there...
but other than that, I don't have too many complaints with this picture, which is... pretty good, considering how old this is.

I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to this picture. I mean, magical girls/boy with their familiars fighting a giant tiger IN SPACE. I don't know. I honestly don't.
Yes, these are my own original characters. |D I don't know what to do with them;;;; oh well.
I may redo this one day. TEE HEE. FUN.

I mean seriously, how did I manage to make a battle with a giant tiger IN SPACE look... boring? D| HOW DO YOU DO THAT??
Oh well. I have excuses. It's old. o3o

... should I make a downloadable version available via Premium Content...?


Art & characters (c) Me~
I believe I used ~bloodyslash's planet textures. XD;

:police: Please do not use or redistribute my art without my permission!
Image size
4970x5260px 20.14 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MystykNess
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Snow-katt's avatar
you mind if i swipe his pose hatnels ?
this pic has ...inspired me to do something with kit