Mystira's avatar


all the rich kids freak me out
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good news?

2 min read
Well, i know that i have been neglecting this page horribly, but that is most likely going to change this year! 2011 has brought me a dream i though i would never receive. You see, i applied for a HSC course (if you're not from Australia, your HSC is the equivalent of finishing school and receiving a certificate saying you have successfully ended your education at school (year12)) when i only have my SC (school certificate, 2 years away from finishing school and HSC, a drop out really.).
During this interview for the course i showed them my portfolio and answered their questions. Whilst i was waiting outside doing a brief english comprehension test, they were talking about me in the room. They hadn't noticed that they had left the door ajar and I heard every word that they said about me, including saying there was no chance i would get in and that i was a 'no'. So, i quickly finished the test and left feeling a little disappointed though I didn't have high hopes to begin with.
A few weeks later i got a letter in the mail that i thought was them saying i was unsuccessful in getting a position in the class, but to my absolute delight it said that i had been accepted! So, naturally being a girl, i ran screaming down the hallway and called a friend straight away in amazement AND confusion! But seriously, how cool is that? So now, hopefully this course will pull out some great photos and i may be more active here on DA, although I mainly use my Flickr account which you can find on my page! :)

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thank you all!

1 min read
So, the last time i did a journal entry was on April 1st. That's because I never really use my DeviantART anymore, it's mainly my flickr. But even then, I don't upload regularly, and I apologise for this. I would really like to take more photos, but this year I haven't been able to. I took photos a while ago, but then I lost the USB with them all on it, so, yes.
Anyways, thanks for still bothering to watch me :) i appreciate it more than you'll ever know! :heart:

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Okay, first off, what the hell is with everyone's icons?? Is there a glitch or something, its either 'Team Seeker!', 'Team Edward!', "Team Gaga', and crap like that. What. The. Hell.

Oh, I quit my 365 and 52 weeks, just like I thought I would. I hate photography at the moment, for many reasons :( I needed a break, I don't even feel the need to take photos anymore, it's disappeared :O hopefully it'll come back..

I've been going through alot lately, reason why I haven't been doing anything. But yea, things will brighten up! They already are, kind of. I deleted my facebook too, so no more of that. I got fed up with everything about it.

Anyways, I made State Drama too, I feel so awkward there. Happy Easter everyone! :)

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Hello again :heart: thank-you to all my fellow new watchers, you mean so much to me :D

So... I got a callback for State Drama!!! :la: :la: :la: Okay, so i'm SOO excited, and SOO scared and SOO nervous! You have no idea how good all of the actors are?! I was like, 'wow.' there was this one boy, who I thought was in year 12 but is in my year, he was an amazing actor. They all were! :faint: so yes, I have to rehearse a monologue :D (I'm doing the Genie from Aladdin, when he comes out of the lamp. I know it so well :D) I hope I do okay, please wish me goodluck!

ALSO! I'm starting the 365 project but theres a catch: At the start i'll be doing the 31 days project (one month) to see if I can cope, with school and drama and other stuff. But I'll still be doing the 52 weeks project. Wow... I'm doing a alot hey? ;P Wish me luck for that also!

ANDDDDD! Lastly, I want everyone who is reading this to look at my amazingly awesome and wonderfully kind cousin Amber's dA which you can find here: :iconambie-bambi: She's such an inspiration and i'm so glad I know her, I love you Bumba!

Thanks guys!!!! :heart: :glomp: :heart:

P.S I wish I lived on a hill, I could use the sunsets and sunrises. Oh that reminded me, I wont be on dA for the 1st week of the 31 days (365 possibly) cause i'll be out of reception + internet as I am on a holiday! But never fear, i'll be faithful and put them all up! Thanks again :D :D :D

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First off, let me say how absolutely amazing Taylor Swift's Fearless tour was! It was soo inspiring! I love her, she's such an amazing singer, and she likes to flick her hair alot ;P So basically we went to the Acer Arena where she was performing, and we sat in the middle at the top four rows from the back... and she was a speck. But that was SUPER okay with me! Because I just wanted to see her live in all her speckness.

Okay.. now. Don't you just hate it when someone say something pointless? Extremely pointless that they can't give a reason for why they said it. For example 'Yea, you were going really really really good, then you fail.' and you ask them why and they go 'I don't know, just don't like it.' I mean C'MON! You 'have' to say why you don't like something before you can offer 'constructive criticism' so that they at least KNOW what they have to improve on, SHEEEESH! Oh, what's worse is when you ask why they don't like it they try to ignore it and be all happy with you again :( I'm sorry.. I'm talking about stupid things that make no sense to anyone unless you are me. Ha. Ha. Ha.. :(

School started up again too, so everything is just suckish and I don't like it. Not to mention my English class WAS in the Creative Arts block (my old photography room) and then got moved to the TAS block (the Sewing room!... THE SEWING ROOM?!) Gah, and my teacher can't even read a poem properly :la: I am not going to do good at all, especially since she can't handle our class, and the class is full of utter crazy monkeys.

Now :) I will stop ranting. Listen to Cady Groves she's amazing.. and Taylor Swift, cause she's amazing too ;P
:heart::heart::heart: Katie
P.S .. my dad snores really loudly sometimes :lol:

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good news? by Mystira, journal

thank you all! by Mystira, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Mystira, journal

through the reeds you'll find the sunbeams by Mystira, journal

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