If it ain't Baroque. . .MysticSybil on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mysticsybil/art/If-it-ain-t-Baroque-330077110MysticSybil

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MysticSybil's avatar

If it ain't Baroque. . .



for this contest : [link]
Neo-Baroque Sailor Senshi.

Since it was sort of a couples contest I figured (apparently incorrectly) that a lot of people would draw Haruka and Michiru so to make mine stand out I put Haruka in the more 'feminine' costume and Michiru in the more "masculine' instead of the other way around, which I assumed would be more common.

copic markers, metallic paint pens and really quickly erasing the most glaring scanner gunk on the computer.

Sailor Moon : Takeuchi-sensei
Image size
1590x2116px 4.16 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MysticSybil
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KaliannShevlin's avatar
This is beyond cool