(GIFT) Akanemysterika18 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mysterika18/art/GIFT-Akane-737646614mysterika18

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(GIFT) Akane



Gift for :iconhimawaricutebear:

Happy birthday ~~ I suppose..not used to make description when you haven't slept for 2 days but my body gave up and now I'm taking a rest =3=

I dunno the name of this character you have so I just title it by your username or yeah 3_3

(Edit:yeah....now I know..what the name is ..)

We're not really talking much or haven't really known each other for So long but ehhhhh if you want to talk I'm always happy to talk back and get to along too so yeah


Happy birthday again !!

How long it took: 1 hour and 1 minute
Original/reference: fav.me/dbv6vob
Character used: I dunno the name but the chr belongs to HimawariCuteBear (edit: it's akane)
Artwork by yours truly mysterika18
Don't trace, steal, edit, re-upload or claim it as yours (FU)
Image size
1039x1476px 707.25 KB
© 2018 - 2025 mysterika18
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Iormi's avatar
Hey it's Himawari's Akane, she's pretty, nice job XD