Hindsight - Chapter 3 (page 27)Myrling on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/myrling/art/Hindsight-Chapter-3-page-27-817982673Myrling

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Hindsight - Chapter 3 (page 27)

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Wow, it's been 10 months and Donnie is still not over Leo hiding his medical condition. ^^;
Turtles live long, and they h o l d   g r u d g es! :dummy:

So! Today, it's been exactly 4 years (and 1 month) since I uploaded the very first page of Hindisght! :happybounce: My angsty black and white baby that I never thought anyone else would read. Day56 - Happy Cry  ...and which I haven't updated since last year. scared.... 'the 2nd'  I'm not a very good parent....

But thank you so much to all of you who still reads it! :love:  Seeing new people finding it, and old readers popping in to re-read the whole thing, has given me a huge motivational boost! :aww: You have no idea how much it means to me, guys! Day100 - Squealing :heart: I'm still easing my way back to drawing (after a major art-block, partly caused by my unforgiving job). I don't know when I'll be able to post the next page, but I know that I still want to finish this comic. :nod: Meanwhile, don't worry if I post some other stuff. I haven't given up on my son.:hero:

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Moonracer12's avatar

I know it will probably still be quite a while yet, but I very much look forward to your continuation of this. I can't wait. : )