I'm Serena. I'm 15 and I love to write, draw, and read. I love South Park, Portal, animals, Warriors, Star Wars, Watchmen, Supernatural, chicken, nerds, festivals, rock (103.9), and a good slasher flick. I hate cowards, slow computers, water, girly girls, mushrooms, folded or dog-eared book pages, and hip hop (besides Eminem). Hope you enjoy my art ^^
Current Residence: Good old Ohio
Favourite genre of music: Mainly new rock, but starting to get into techno
Favourite style of art: Comic bookish
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: I-pod
Wallpaper of choice: Whatever pleases me at the moment
Favourite cartoon character: Kenny, Sven, Rorschach, Hige, Kakashi, Wheatley, and America
Personal Quote: My favorite character died... Again