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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Feb 9
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (59)
My Bio

I'm Serena. I'm 15 and I love to write, draw, and read. I love South Park, Portal, animals, Warriors, Star Wars, Watchmen, Supernatural, chicken, nerds, festivals, rock (103.9), and a good slasher flick. I hate cowards, slow computers, water, girly girls, mushrooms, folded or dog-eared book pages, and hip hop (besides Eminem). Hope you enjoy my art ^^

Current Residence: Good old Ohio
Favourite genre of music: Mainly new rock, but starting to get into techno
Favourite style of art: Comic bookish
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: I-pod
Wallpaper of choice: Whatever pleases me at the moment Favourite cartoon character: Kenny, Sven, Rorschach, Hige, Kakashi, Wheatley, and America
Personal Quote: My favorite character died... Again

Favourite Movies
Zodiac, Watchmen, X-Men, Transformers, Silent Hill, The Blues Brothers, Star Wars, and Fight Club
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sick Puppies, Linkin Park, Oomph!, My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self Indulgence, and Daft Punk
Favourite Writers
Christopher Moore XD and of course the Erin Hunters :3
Favourite Games
Portal, Assassin's Creed, Half Life, Silent Hill, and Professor Layton
Favourite Gaming Platform
N64, DS, X-Box, and Wii
Other Interests
Writing, drawing, and reading
...I just don't know how to use it that well. It seems easy enough, but still it's a new thing to me. Anyway it's If you have a tumblr don't be afraid to follow :DHope all is well MyallPS: I know I disappeared again and I'm sorry. I didn't get to thank that many people for the favorites. I've been distracted by the Hunger Games, Sherlock, and a play that is in a week. So sorry again D:
anonymous's avatar
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Okay I didn't really get smacked in the skull unless you count imaginary smacking. But anyway after watching X-Men First Class I decided I would look for fanart on here and as I was looking I kinda went through my gallery to show my friend and realized how much I missed this place -w- So I drew Nightcrawler, then Angel, and later a cat. And I changed so much. I no longer have to even glance at reference pictures for people and my cats have a little realism to them. I'm really happy right now so expect more drawing. And I really do mean it this time because I've already gone back to drawing. I'm also going to start animating again and pract...
anonymous's avatar
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I'M NOT DEAD!! Just wanted to say that. But yeah I'm back. There is really no reason for me to have been missing (except for school starting again -.-) But school actually is kind of a good thing. Most of my classes have time afterward so I could draw then. And let me tell ya I got a lot to draw. I have like three requests, animations to do, and a bunch of picture ideas that I still need to get on paper. I'd make a to do list, but the list would be to long. Anyway this journal was just to state that I'm alive and hopefully back in business. I really hope I'm back in business becasue I feel so bad for the people I have requests for and thos...
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typicalwolf's avatar
Happy Birthday!
snow-phantom's avatar
Happy Birthday :party: Geting in Early incase i not on laptop that day.
Dragons-ruler's avatar
Sup, haven't talked to you in a long time ^^
myalltimelow098's avatar
Yeah I know XD I don't get on here that much anymore and it makes me feel terrible D:
Dragons-ruler's avatar
It's okay, it's also my fault for dropping by to say hi ^^"
myalltimelow098's avatar
Nah. Well at least I still post some drawings and stuff, but most of my time is spent on Tumblr DX So what have you been up to?
maXKennedy's avatar
Thanks for the fav on Sherlock BBC - Be my Valentine [link] ^__^