muunimoos's avatar


soft moos
Years Ago
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Comments 34

anonymous's avatar
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i know the event is over but i am making my own anyway- they're just so cute i want to HUG ONEEEEE!! 😭❤️
just-lovenothate's avatar
Hi so how long does it take for a muunimoos myo to be registered

get back to me as soon as you can ^ - ^
Poofdude's avatar
I want to make one but do we have to join the group before me make one??
relatedstuff's avatar
Hi there! I'm really confused because there hasn't been much activity on this page for almost a year, and I was wondering if it was still a running group.
strangelykatie's avatar
Hi! I'm afraid I've dropped off the face of dA for a while, but yes you are still welcome to make your own Muuni and submit it to the group! ^^
relatedstuff's avatar
Keaton97's avatar
Hello! I received a Muuni through a trade and was wondering if that disallowed me from making one myself? If so then I'm fine with that just wanted to know c: also are we allowed to make any changes to the design after registration? I'd like to make a tiny bit of changes to the Muuni I received if it's alright.