North the foxMuuchen on DeviantArt

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North the fox



Guess who made another new sonic fan character, because yes–


Small profile:

Name: North

Age: 20

Gender: male(he/him)

Species: Fox

Orientation: Bisexual

Birthday: December 21st

Personality: Comes across as cold and aloof, and a bit "scary" to some. He often struggles with his emotions, but is caring and fairly gentle, tends to be overprotective(but he means well), stubborn, doesn't talk, but will listen, Self-assured and instinctive

Powers: He can manipulate water

Languages: Norwegian and a bit of English(he's still learning ^-^ ; )

Family: a twin sister and an older brother

Weapon: He has a claymore and a polearm

Relationship status: Single(but he's very fond of Sol, maybe a crush. Sol might fell the same too? )


Character belongs to me and was drawn using the app Artflow. ❤

Image size
2000x1200px 801.97 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Muuchen
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