Angelmusumedesu on DeviantArt

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'All Rights Reserved' Copyright Stamp + Plz Acct. by musumedesu

This is the first dress that I make for Calina, and I think it turned out gorgeous :3 I really love it, plus it was a lot of work (it has matching undies, petticoat, double layered skirt, corset+short skirt, and the neck ribbon). As always, it is sewn by hand, so it took mre two and a half week, approximately.

Calina is a Peregrina Ofelia, made by a friend of mine. She is an artist cast, cream white skin, with steampunk mods.

Also, I titled the photo "Angel" because it has a lot of white and... I don't know, just though of her as a cute angel :3

If you want to see more pictures of the dress, please go ahead to my main blog:
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© 2014 - 2025 musumedesu
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lauritad's avatar
I like her look is quite different