Mythos: InpuMurderousAutomaton on DeviantArt

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Mythos: Inpu



More Mythos!  More, I say!  This dashing chap got several suggestions, but I think :iconhellsmechanic: and :icondinoboygreen: were first!

Inpu, better known by his Greek name, Anubis, was the ancient Egyptian god of funerary rites, presiding over things like embalming and weighing the heart.  Given how important the afterlife and funeral protocol were to ancient Egyptians (particularly the Pharaoh), I always found it odd how seldom Inpu showed up in the myths themselves!  He was always one of my favorite gods, so I wished he had more screen time.  I guess he was shy. ;p
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Colinidas's avatar

Oooo, I love this alien look!