Little Cherry BlossomsMuezac on DeviantArt

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Little Cherry Blossoms



This is inspired by Vampire Toy's one-shots about Itachi and Sakura:
Call Me Daddy
Like a Drug
Promise to Break
They're cute but just know that they have been defined, even by the author, as having "creepiness" ;P.

I just thought this would be cute, to see Itachi act so caring toward a little kid (in a completely innocent way!!)

And, yes, Itachi does look almost exactly like he does in my other fanart "ItaSaku," but that's cuz I used the same model picture, tho I did make his bangs a bit shorter and his mouth a bit bigger to make him look a little younger.

And as you can see, I got lazy and didn't shade it (those seemingly random lines are actually outlines of the darker shades). Maybe I will l8ter, or if you want, anyone is free to color it in themselves and post it ;).

Comments welcome!
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660x975px 242.46 KB
anonymous's avatar
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Ukemodo's avatar
This is very cute. I would adore it if it was coloured