LuzMTNEMGDraws on DeviantArt

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[Custom Song]
(Before you ask…yes…Luz means light in Spanish.)

The corruption is getting worse by the second and corrupted Snowie began taunting at Mila. This enraged her and her eyes start to glow neon pink. She then summons neon orbs around her and sets the power of the neon Uzi to maximum. And the screen glows a neon pink.

“I’m suffering and now all you do is mock me?! Can’t you see how many people underestimated me? If you want to treat me like this I must do the same to you, but much worse….” -Mila

Neon Uzi: Same, but If missed it’ll result in a instakill. (The power is at maximum)
Maximum miss counter: Same, but your maximum misses is now 5.
Light Orbs: Mila will throw light orbs at Snowie when he sings to make his bar go down.
Health Drain: Same as the other songs
Light notes: Same, but Snowie will be blinded for 8 seconds instead of 5.

Mila belongs to me
Snowie belongs to Snowie
FNF: Corruption belongs to PhantomFear
Image size
1920x1080px 1.05 MB
© 2023 - 2025 MTNEMGDraws
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mylittlepony41's avatar

Hey thebossanatordraws look what I made

Mummy pico (universal horror monsters x fnf)