First of all, thank you so much for good ideas for Verdandi in my previous entry! It was very much appreciated!
Now for something completely different: I've done something that I never thought I would do, namely I've started writing a blog. For me it works as some sort of therapy, I've been down and "depressed" a lot the last year, but the blog is forcing me to focus on the positive stuff in my life, as I don't want to publish emo-entries. I've been debating whether or not I should post the link here as
1: I don't have much of a skill when it comes to writing.
2: I find it embarrassing to know that people I know are going to read this thing, as I write about whatever randomness that falls into my head while writing. So I've preferred to keep it "hidden".
But lately the page views on said blog has gone up, so I guess it can't be that bad
So I've decided to post the link here.
The blog is written in Norwegian, so only those of you who are Norwegians will understand much. But I do post a lot of pictures.
A picture of Ishavskatedralen in Tromsø... Taken by midnight last night... Snow.. >_< But daylight! ^__^