Im married, i live at home with my lovely wife, my three cats Yumi, Sakura, Ohana and my herman tortious Wilson. I have a HUGE collection of comics an dvd's, i love anime/manga and martial art movies, but i will watch anything, drama, romantic, comedy, action, horror, i like it all. I have always had an interest in drawing, but recently i have had more time to explore this due to a tumor found in my spine. i get to spend a lot of time at home practicing, researching an writing, i have written a story with the title THE OTHER WORLD. not looking to send it out to any companies its more of a personal project that i would possibly give out at christmas or birthdays. Over the months you will see the rough to hopefully finished pieces of pinups, sequential art, character and world design. i am also looking for a lot of constructive criticism to improve my art.
Current Residence: Wales, UK, rogiet
Favourite genre of music: Any and all
Favourite style of art: anime/comic
Operating System: Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Shell of choice: Human for the time being, thinking of upgrading soon though
Wallpaper of choice: Fantasy
Favourite cartoon character: Naruto
Personal Quote: I need to start doing more work!