In Her ClutchesMrGagFoot on DeviantArt

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In Her Clutches

Character  Chizuru SakamotoCharacter  "Ma'am"


"Chizuuuuuuuuuuru~" A familiar, mature-sounding voice spoke gently.


"Wake up, Chizuru~"


The girl's eyes slowly fluttered open, taking a few moments to blink as the bright ceiling light hit her eyes.

"Mmm?" Chizuru tried to speak as her eyes continued taking their time adjusting to the light.

It took a few more moments for her foggy mind to begin clearing. As it did, she finally recognized the voice—and face—of the person trying to wake her up.

Said person wore a familiar, sneering grin as she stared down at Chizuru.

It was the one woman that she found herself fearing, ever since their first meeting during the Famco Investigation.

The mysterious woman known in the underworld simply as… Ma'am.

"Why hello there," she said, eyes completely hidden behind her glasses as she gazed down at Chizuru.


Finally, coming to terms with her surroundings, that she had found her mouth taped up, that she realized she couldn't move, and, worst of all, that she had been sleeping with her head on this woman's lap, Chizuru screamed.

"What the hell?! How did I even get here?!" The bound girl couldn't help but think to herself as she looked down at her body, eyes widening even further as she saw an abundance of ropes holding her body in place, keeping her arms pinned to her sides at multiple spots. Her knees and ankles were also bound just as tightly.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!” She yelped, feeling the woman’s hands feeling their way along the girl’s bared belly.

“How is this even possible?! I thought I…”

“Did you already forget, my dear?” The woman interrupted, as if reacting to the girl’s thoughts. 
Ma’am, once again showcasing her power, wrapped her arms around the bound girl’s own.  She pulled Chizuru up with ease until she was properly seated on the woman’s lap. 

“There is no escape~.” Ma’am whispered, moving her own face closer to the increasingly flustered Chizuru’s.



You'll have to check twitter or Pi xiv to find out the rest of the story, as well as the full pic and even some alts!


Commission drawn by the incredible :iconlumpychan:

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© 2023 - 2025 MrGagFoot
anonymous's avatar
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I love seeing Chizuru, waking up when she is tied up and gagged with tape by Ma’am, I want to see Chizuru, feet her feet are really beautiful too.