The Masks We WearMrFalloutDropout on DeviantArt

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The Masks We Wear



I became a reader for a particular story on and fell in love with the issues the story followed. (…)
When the author asked for submissions for cover ideas, this image popped into my brain. The idea comes from the thinking, "What if the bravado, humor, facade I put on to not let people see how much I am hurting was a real, physical mask?" Sometimes people around us are so well developed wearing this "mask", we forget the person underneath has their own face they are afraid to show us. I hope you enjoy the symbolism of this since my art isn't what I would call great, haha.

The Japanese say that each person wears three masks. The first, you show to the world. The second, you show to your friends and family. The third mask, you never show to anyone...that is the truest reflection of who you are.
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2186x2026px 5.38 MB
© 2017 - 2025 MrFalloutDropout
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Fail-Seeker's avatar
Zootacular piece for a Zootacular story! :clap: