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Has Anyone Heard of German Jungle Book Audio Plays by tcr11050, journal

Comments 19

anonymous's avatar
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NuAvatar's avatar

Does anyone still have the stuff that geraldson101's comm'd from Veika?

Since Khialat's Stash is gone (and he seems to be completely MIA from the lack of activity on his pixiv) I'm curious if anyone else has it?

WorldTurnerArt's avatar

Could I please have the link too?

AngelDefiler's avatar
If anyone is interested, I have a series with Mowgli and the Bandar-log. I have commissioned it from an artist that has drawn 18 panels, thus far. I am thinking it will be around 30-40 panels for the whole series. I am of course, unable to share them here as it is rather "naughty". DM for the panels.  The panels are B&W, not coloured. 
du0504028's avatar

I'm interested, give me a link

tcr11050's avatar
Too bad it's unfortune the founder of the group is deactivated.
IllusiveMistery69's avatar
Did they have any alternate accounts?
tcr11050's avatar

I don't know. I can't find anything else involving him.