Mousse-Madness's avatar


The Fist of the White Swan!
Years Ago
67 Members63 Watchers

Comments 32

anonymous's avatar
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seilorhun's avatar
Finally a club all about Mousse. I love when he, Kuno, and Ryoga are together they're so funny XD 
littlesugarcat's avatar
weee!!! There's a Mousse group  :squee:
I plainly love the cover picture of this group <3

btw I think you mean "allowed" instead of "aloud"...
I was a bit confused when I read the rules above :D
ukyo101's avatar
How do I contribute?
thefalcoace's avatar
just upload art and submit it to mousse madness. it should be on your right hand side around like favourites etc.
Teeeemu's avatar
Click on the " Submit Art " icon then fill out the things you need about the picture you're going to upload ....

Look for the " Submit to a Group " and choose " Mousse Madness " and check it .....
ukyo101's avatar
i <3 ths club!
thefalcoace's avatar
great to hear!!