Guardian VS MercenaryMostlyFunStuff on DeviantArt

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Guardian VS Mercenary



During a routine raid in one of Emperor's supply bases, Nicola, The Bloody Mercenary launches a surprise attack against her rival: 777, the Secret Guardian, who was raiding this base for supplies and information. Nicola is insistent in prodding and trying her skill against her opponent.

777 is surprised to see her again, after very obviously decapitating her from their last encounter! This is clearly an opponent who won't be easily seen off... Meanwhile, high in the sky, a certain flagship watches closely, intent on seeing the results of this battle...

Hope you don't mind me leaning more into PROJECT SG777 for a little while, as I wanted to draw an action scene with two of the recently revealed main characters. The area here is a weapons platform in Emperor's supply base. You could say that it's a remake of the original Part 3 animation...

I fumbled around so much with Nicola's pose, deciding on what exactly she was jumping for; was it over her opponent? Or over an attempted sword attack? I decided on a surprise jumping in, a manic look on her face, brandishing her knives! You can't see Mia's face, but she's slowly getting irritated at Nicola's persistence...

777, Nicola © MFS ARTS, PROJECT SG777
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1694x2464px 1.44 MB
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FantasyRebirth96's avatar

How do you draw fight scenes? Can you tell me? My drawings are pretty bad and I don't know why...