Sacred FireMorteCiel on DeviantArt

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Sacred Fire



I drew and colored this a few weeks ago and it's been hanging on my wall since. We finally got the internet turned back on, so I figured I'd fiddle with it a bit in Photoshop to clean it up and then I'd upload it.

For those who don't know, Sacred Fire is Ho-Oh's signiture move, seemed a fitting title.

Nothing real special about this one, it's Ho-Oh, a legendary pokemon that I've always adored and wanted to draw. Originally, the background was white but it felt like too little contrast, so I hand-painted it black and then went over it again in Photoshop to make the color even. I do like how the watercolor fire turned out. :3 I just hope that overlay isn't too much.

Anyway, enjoy, I should have more to upload this week.:heart:

Copic marker and Reeve's watercolor on 14 x 17 bristol paper

Art (c) :iconmorteciel: Winter Blackwing
Ho-Oh (c) Nintendo/Pokemon Company
Image size
1216x1278px 2.06 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MorteCiel
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