Leyawiin ReferenceMorteCiel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/morteciel/art/Leyawiin-Reference-441764738MorteCiel

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Leyawiin Reference



I've had this reference floating around quite a while, but a few weeks ago I stumbled onto it again and decided to upload it. I've had dreams of drawing this charrie extensively, but I haven't quite found the inspiration. I love designing more than anything, and originally, he was part of a series of "butterfly cats" i was doing, but they all ended up unfinished. I really like his design, but I'm not sure about keeping him. I spent so much time on him I'd hate to see him go to waste. Would anyone consider buying him? I have a few other designs if he does sell I might post, but for now, I'm just happy he won't rot in my desk. :)

Btw, you Elder Scrolls fans might recognize his name. It's Leyawiin of Cyrodiil, one of the prettiest cities in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

Done with Copics/faber-castell

Design (c) :iconmorteciel:
Image size
1398x1110px 847.08 KB
© 2014 - 2025 MorteCiel
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Blackwolfoffireworks's avatar
Beautiful work! I love the vibrant colors, and the fans going up the neck. The eye spots are very lovely too! Very neat creature!