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I've had this reference floating around quite a while, but a few weeks ago I stumbled onto it again and decided to upload it. I've had dreams of drawing this charrie extensively, but I haven't quite found the inspiration. I love designing more than anything, and originally, he was part of a series of "butterfly cats" i was doing, but they all ended up unfinished. I really like his design, but I'm not sure about keeping him. I spent so much time on him I'd hate to see him go to waste. Would anyone consider buying him? I have a few other designs if he does sell I might post, but for now, I'm just happy he won't rot in my desk. 
Btw, you Elder Scrolls fans might recognize his name. It's Leyawiin of Cyrodiil, one of the prettiest cities in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
Done with Copics/faber-castell
Design (c)

Btw, you Elder Scrolls fans might recognize his name. It's Leyawiin of Cyrodiil, one of the prettiest cities in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
Done with Copics/faber-castell
Design (c)

Image size
1398x1110px 847.08 KB
© 2014 - 2025 MorteCiel
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Beautiful work! I love the vibrant colors, and the fans going up the neck. The eye spots are very lovely too! Very neat creature!